How to unify soul’s purpose & making money as a coach…

by | Sep 15, 2017 | Coach Training

kendall-red-wallOne of the topics I love to coach on is unifying our soul’s purpose with making money as a high-end, soulful coach.

I remember the day I made the decision to BE a million dollar business woman.

Was my income even close to that at the time?

Not even remotely close and I was constantly hustling to find my next client!

What I remember so clearly is that decision sprang from a place of intense frustration with what my business looked like then.

It’s like, hitting that emotional bottom became a powerful catalyst for spring boarding me into naming what I truly desired.

That decision felt terrifying (Really? A MILLION dollars? Who did I think I was?!!).

BUT…it instantly catapulted me out of frustration and onto a path that had purpose.

Picture this …

I had no earthly idea how I was going to do it.

I didn’t know other women in the coaching space at that time who were at that level.

I didn’t hang out with wealthy people or highly successful entrepreneurs.

I constantly wondered if what I had to offer would be good enough.

I had intense doubts about whether I could “handle” a bigger business

And I was working from a tiny $99 desk purchased from target.

Hardly the look and feel of a million dollar business woman, right?!

Here’s what’s fascinating…

Back then, if my future-self had said to me, “Listen up girl, because this is a life-changing decision and in 2 years you’re going to reach it. Plus you’re going to radically up-level your sense of purpose, confidence and impact in the world!” …

I would have said, “Oh no, you must be talking about someone else, not me.”

But as it turns out, she was right.

I reached 7-figures in 2 years. Then grew my coaching business far beyond that every year from there on forward.

I’m not sharing this to brag…

…I’m sharing this because I feel intense gratitude that I rebelliously listened to my desire rather than bending to what others thought I “should” do.

I started using high-end, soul client strategies and I allowed my commitment to be stronger than my fear.

In truth, the journey to a million dollar business is not for everyone.

For some it’s achieving the $100k mark…or $350k…or $500k.

Whatever your desire is (not just wishful thinking but true, burning desire) I offer these insights to help get you started:

#1: Make The Commitment.
For me this was declaring, “I want to make a million dollars” out loud, in my office.

My only witness was my dog, but giving voice to that commitment was electrifying and grounded my desire like a tree planting roots.

#2: Start Making Space.
Meaning, don’t let other peoples’ priorities become yours. This means every day being mindful to put time and energy into what moves you forward and NOT allowing the needs of others to creep into (or take over) the space of your day.

Trust me, the strength and confidence you’ll gain from making space is going to serve you in feeling that you are honoring your commitment, plus it will free your energy to create your new offers and opportunities.

#3: Make Decisions Quickly.
Unmade decisions are one of the biggest energy draining aspects of being in business. Making decisions quickly creates clarity and clarity is freedom.

#4: Trust Yourself More. Way More.
We’ve all made decisions in the past that didn’t work out. Let it go. You did the best you could at the time and now is a NEW time.

My intuition is my greatest strength as a coach, and as the CEO of my business. The inklings and whispers of ideas you have, properly nurtured and strategically designed, will get you to your income goal, I promise!

#5: Acknowledge Your Victories.
You become what you acknowledge and give awareness to every day.

Using these insights will help you rapidly become the beautiful, soulful feminine leader of a high-earning coaching business you love!

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How to unify soul’s purpose & making money as a coach…